Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Welcome to Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine!

This blog is a spin off from my main blog, A Working Pantry.  This is where you'll find the sewing and creating that I do for my family, my home, myself and charity.

The purpose of this blog is to inspire you.  From time to time, I will do tutorials but mainly I want to encourage you and share what I'm able to accomplish in my sewing time.

Sometimes, my sewing time is just a few minutes grabbed here and there and sometimes it's more.  By sharing my projects, I hope to inspire myself and maybe you as well, to find more minutes to sew ... if that makes sense!

Take a look at the side bar where you'll find some past projects I've completed.  I hope you'll subscribe or become a follower.  You can find the info for subscribing and following on the sidebar as well.

I'd love to have you become a part of the Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine family.

patsi @ Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine

My other blogs:

A Working Pantry

From This Heart of Mine

Thank you for using my Amazon affiliate link when placing your Amazon orders. I earn a small percentage that doesn't increase what you pay, and it helps keep me in sewing supplies! 

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links.  This means that if you click on the link and place an order, etc I earn a small fee at no increased cost to you. Thank you for your support through these means. 

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