Sunday, September 22, 2024

What I've Been Making This Week: 9/22/24

 A friend and I were chatting across the email fence this week and she was sharing some things she was working on for Christmas gift giving.

I was so inspired by what she was sharing that I immediately started formulating plans to work on some gifts of my own.  (Normally, I have a good stash of gifts ready for gift giving, but this year has brought challenges that distracted me from keeping my gifts pantry well-stocked.)   

The first thing I need and want to do is restock my gift pantry with these cute project bags.  I put in use and or gifted the last one I had so it's time to stitch up some more.  The sky is the limit with what you can put in them.

In this picture are supplies to make 8 bags.  The fabric pieces are all cut and everything I need to make them is on hand and ready.  I'm going to 'batch' sew them.  Not pictured are fabric pieces for my grands but I like to keep all my 'grand' gifts a secret until they are received ... just in case.  I like for their parents to be as surprised as the grands when the packages from grandma and grandpa are opened!

The completed bag in the picture houses my current cross stitch project.  The handle on the bag makes it easy to grab and go.

The tutorial for the project can be found HERE.  Be warned, you really, really need to watch the whole tutorial before making the first stitch.  You'll thank me for the 'heads up' when you don't have to rip out a seam!

I would love as in I might just be begging ... please, please, please share what you're making for Christmas gifts this year.  Let's inspire each other!

Until next time ...

patsi @ Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine

My other blogs:

A Working Pantry

From This Heart of Mine

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