Thursday, December 12, 2024

Blogmas 2024: 12/12

We had an early afternoon 'Christmas' luncheon with some friends today and I wore my Rudolph sweatshirt and Rudolph and Clariece earrings ...

Can you spot the earrings?  I got several compliments on the sweatshirt and earrings.

The earrings were gifted to me by a friend and the sweatshirt was picked out and purchased for me by my hubby!  He did good!

It was such a nice outing and afterwards hubby and I did a little shopping as we were near a larger city!  We were both more than ready to come home after just a brief time though, and we both agreed that shopping this time of the year is just not our cup of tea! 

This sight greeted us as we neared home ... a snowflake lined street.  It's kind of funny; this is about as close to snow as our area gets, so I'm going to soak up its beauty every time we're in the area!  

That's all for Blogmas day 12 ...  I'll meet you back here tomorrow for day 13 of Blogmas 2024!

mrs. patsi @ Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine

My other blogs:

A Working Pantry

From This Heart of Mine

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